The exam is over and we did a little survey in class. The results are below; 9 students participated. If you'd like to add another comment on what you see here
email me or leave a comment below this post.
Without any further ado, here are the results of our class's survey. Please share your thoughts by commenting (anonymously if you wish) below .....
Classroom EnvironmentThe questions in this section were ranked using this 5 point scale:
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
bold numbers after each item are the average ratings given by the entire class.
1. The teacher was enthusiastic about teaching the course.
4.892. The teacher made students feel welcome in seeking help in/outside of class.
4.333. My interest in math has increased because of this course.
4.114. Students were encouraged to ask questions and were given meaningful answers.
4.565. The teacher enhanced the class through the use of humour.
4.336. Course materials were well understood and explained clearly by the teacher.
4.447. Graded materials fairly represented student understanding and effort.
4.118. The teacher showed a genuine interest in individual students.
4.339. I have learned something that I consider valuable.
4.7810. The teacher normally came to class well prepared.
4.33Overall Impression of the CourseThe questions in this section were ranked using this 5 point scale:
Very Poor | Poor | Average | Good | Very Good |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1. Compared with other high school courses I have taken, I would say this course was:
4.562. Compared with other high school teachers I have had, I would say this teacher is:
4.783. As an overall rating, I would say this teacher is:
4.78Course Characteristics1. Course difficulty, compared to other high school courses:
Very Easy 0% | Easy 11.1% | Average 0% | Difficult 44.4% | Very Difficult 44.4% |
2. Course workload, compared to other high school courses:
Very Easy 0% | Easy 0% | Average 66.7% | Difficult 33.3% | Very Difficult 0% |
3. Hours per week required outside of class
(n = 8):
0 to 2 0% | 2 to 3 0% | 3 to 5 37.5% | 5 to 7 50.0% | over 7 12.5% |
4. Expected grade in the course:
F 0% | D 11.1% | C 33.3% | B 44.4% | A 11.1% |
AP Exam PreparationThe
bold numbers after each item are the average ratings given by the entire class.
How prepared were you to write this exam?
76.5%How much effort did you put into preparing for this exam?
(n = 8) 81.9%How good a job did your teacher do preparing you for this exam?
95.0%Did you have enough preparation using your calculator?
Did you have enough preparation without using your calculator?
Was your teacher too hard or too easy on you?
Too Hard 0% | Too Easy 11.1% | Just Right 88.9% |
Specific Feedback[
Ed. Note: Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of students, over 1, that gave the same answer.]
What was your best learning experience in this course?
There is more than one way of doing things. Instead of memorizing, each student gained the ability to find patterns. The creative projects. Developing Expert Voices project (3) Work ethic. The AP Exam. Any time spent on the SMARTboard. (4) All group work in class. This blog. The Final Take Home Exam. "Commercial" assignments. Learning techniques to help make learning easier in the future. Train of thought. Being able to "think" in calculus. |
What was your worst learning experience in this course?
Difficulty at the beginning of the course. The constant changing of teachers at the beginning. (2) Our substitute. (2) Workshops. Everything at the beginning. Riemann sums. Related rates. When Mr. K. wasn't here. |
What changes would you suggest to improve the way this course is taught?
More students going up to SMARTboard to solve questions. I felt satisfied with what happened in this course. The teacher could be more prepared for class. Getting marked tests back. (2) Make sure to get everyone in class involved. Really spend a lot of time on concept building. Continue to ensure the concept of a derivative is firmly understood. Better room ventilation. More wiki assignments. More workshops. Make everyone goes up to the SMARTboard at least once. |
It's interesting to compare the items that were considered both the worst and best learning experiences. Also, take a look at the list of worst learning experiences compared to suggestions for next year. Help me do a better job next year by commenting on what you see here ....